Source code for pygnetic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Network library for Pygame."""

import logging
import discovery
import event
import message
import network
import serialization
from handler import Handler
from network import Server, Client

__version__ = '1.0'
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def init(events=False, event_val=None, logging_lvl=logging.INFO, n_adapter=('enet', 'socket'), s_adapter=('msgpack', 'json')): """Initialize network library. :param events: allow sending Pygame events (default False) :param event_val: set :const:`event.NETWORK` as :const:`pygame.USEREVENT` + :attr:`event_val` (default: None) :param logging_lvl: level of logging messages (default :const:`logging.INFO` (see: :ref:`logging-basic-tutorial`), None to skip initializing logging module) :param n_adapter: name(s) of network library, first available will be used (default: ['enet', 'socket']) :type n_adapter: string or list of strings :param s_adapter: name(s) of serialization library, first available will be used (default: ['msgpack', 'json']) :type s_adapter: string or list of strings :return: True if initialization ended with success """ global _network_module, _serialization_module if logging_lvl is not None: logging.basicConfig(level=logging_lvl, format='%(asctime)-8s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S') network.select_adapter(n_adapter) if network.selected_adapter is not None:"Using %s", network.selected_adapter.__name__.split('.')[-1]) else: _logger.critical("Can't find any network module") return False serialization.select_adapter(s_adapter) if serialization.selected_adapter is not None:"Using %s", serialization.selected_adapter.__name__.split('.')[-1]) else: _logger.critical("Can't find any serialization module") return False if events:"Enabling pygame events") event.init(event_val) return True
[docs]def register(*args, **kwargs): """Register new message type in :data:`.message.message_factory`. :param name: name of message class :param field_names: list of names of message fields :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments for send method :return: message class (namedtuple) """ return message.message_factory.register(*args, **kwargs)